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Super World Club Cup controversy: South America feel discriminated against

FIFA's new invention of an excellent World Club Cup is attracting difference before it's even begun with South America feeling discriminated against.

The tournament can embrace twenty four clubs, twelve from Europe, 5 from South yankee, 2 from North America, 2 from Africa, 2 from Asia and one from archipelago.

According to Brazilian retailers, CONMEBOL aren't proud of such associate degree allocation associate degreed area unit exacting an equal split with European clubs.

Increasing the quantity of clubs at Europe's expense isn't associate degree choice because it would suspend sponsors WHO FIFA believe would have an interest.

Previous conferencesSouth America can raise FIFA for meetings before returning to any judicial decision.

It's believed that CONMEBOL might attain a sixth team if there was a play-off with the most effective team from archipelago.

The Super Club World Cup is about to switch the Confederations Cup and it'll be contend each four years with the primary event
thanks to occur in 2021.

Source: marca

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