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Isco to Fernandez Borbalan : you're terribly dangerous

In a rather uncharacteristic of denunciation, Isco loud towards referee, David Fernandez Borbalan, that he was terribly dangerous when a string of selections went against the visiting team.

Real Madrid's playmaker was furious at the perennial fouls on him that were unheeded by the official, and simply before his outburst there was a collision between himself and Gabi with the Atletico national capital captain showing to kick his Spanish national.

The incident that sent the previous metropolis midfielder over the sting, however, was even a lot of innocuous.He controlled a pass together with his shoulder nevertheless the referee demanded a handball, abundant to Isco's chagrin.

Pointing towards his jostle order to influence the official a wrong decision had been created, it had been too late because the call had already been created.

Source: marca

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